Many of you are frustrated at Micro$oft forcing Windows 10 on you against your will. This is no exaggeration. They are silently downloading 3 gigabytes of Windows 10 installer files without consent (which is practically theft since it robs you of bandwidth and storage space you pay for), and they are insisting (via pop-ups that leave you no way out) that people with Windows 7, Windows 8.1, etc, upgrade to Windows 10. This new OS drags many PCs to a crawl. If you were forced into an “upgrade,” there is a way to downgrade, going back to your earlier version, but you must do so within 30 days of the upgrade. Settings –> Restore –> (Google is your friend here). There is also a freeware program that will delete the unwanted Windows 10 installer files and stop the merciless pop-ups. Again, Google is your friend. I am not a Windows user (I use Mac), but again, I am your friend. The freeware I installed on a church computer to stop the madness, is called GWX Control Panel from Ultimate Outsider (link below).