October 20, 2018, Fairmont, WV — At the West Virginians For Life annual State Convention, I was presented WVFL’s “Angel of the Year” award. WVFL caught up with me later to ask me about that and more. Here are my brief answers from the interview:
WVFL: Thoughts on recent elections & passing of Amendment 1 in WV:
DJ: These [November 6, 2018] election night victories were more thrilling than I can express. So many endorsed pro-life candidates were elected/reelected and Amendment 1 (A1) was ratified! That was the single most exciting pro-life accomplishment for our state. It was bittersweet since pro-life Patrick Morrisey got so close, yet didn’t prevail.
WVFL: Thoughts on receiving Angel of the Year Award at WVFL State Convention: (Congratulations!)
DJ: I was blown away—totally didn’t see it coming! My wonderful wife, family, and others knew yet kept it secret. Considering our great pro-life heroes in WV, I am humbled to be selected. This is one of the most meaningful honors I’ve ever received. Thank you all!
WVFL: What are some pro-life activities your local WVFL Chapter and Church have been involved in since you were last interviewed in 2016?
DJ: Our amazing Harrison County chapter and awesome Christian Apostolic Church have partnered in Life Chain events, staffed festivals, and participated in Lit Drops. CAC hosted WVFL state board meetings and Morrisey’s launch of the pro-life coalition! Both chapter and church went all out for Amendment 1 and support of pro-life candidates. Members attended rallies, wrote letters to editors, did canvassing, made calls, created/shared videos & memes, aired radio spots, and paid for a huge billboard on I-79 for all of October, thanks to massive donations by members/friends. We cannot say enough about our chapter and church! You all are wonderful!
WVFL: Any parting words of wisdom, inspiration & encouragement?
DJ: WVFL is a wonderful organization of precious, selfless, dedicated people, and I am privileged to know you all and join you in laboring for life. Let’s fight on for more victories, until we see the sanctity of life honored in law and in the hearts of the citizenry! Each life saved makes it worth all effort and expense. God bless you!