New release: Tesseract

Note: Proceeds from book sales are going to help Renee Bargo get a new type of medical treatment. Thanks for your help! We have a precious family in our church here in Clarksburg, and the wife & mother in that family has a rare disease for which there has been no known treatment. They have now learned of an experimental treatment that is not covered by their insurance. She is currently raising money to make the long trip from here to Phoenix, and we are working to help her. Below are some details about this exciting, new release. 

Tesseract is part of the Millennial Teleport Trilogy (Book Two).

You can now order either installment (this one, or the first book, entitled New I.M.mortal) — or both — on either or Each of those sites offers both books (they can be ordered together as a single purchase). Also, Amazon should have both the print version and Kindle version of the new book available any time now.


SUMMARY: Daniel & Tess are childhood sweethearts who finally marry. Meanwhile, in another space-time, on an untainted world called Sset, the Corlan (a sinless race blessed with genetic memory) govern a paradise that has never felt the bitter sting of death. Back on sin-cursed Earth, Tess and Daniel are childless. Although they are well acquainted with pain and loss, their relationship is solid, and they live their life to the fullest in service to God and others. Fast forward over a thousand years into the future, when an unspeakable evil arises on Sset, devastating the moon world’s surface and decimating the Corlan population. Yet the Creator of both that universe and ours was not caught off guard. He’s had Daniel and Tess in mind for saving the Corlan species from extinction since before either realm was created. Although our world has had visitors from that one, this is the first time in history that it’s gone the other way. Teleport with Tess and Daniel to a place beyond time, space, and imagination. Tesseract will transform you in mind-stretching ways.

For Young Adults and Up

Classifications: Fiction, Christian, Futuristic | Science-Fiction | Adventure | Romance

Below: Part of a panel of illustrations in the final book — artist rendition of the central part of the Corlan society, on the moon world of Sset. This image just happens to be the title page from the Kindle version of the book, due to appear on Amazon’s Kindle store just about any time now. All the illustrations are provided in both the print and Kindle versions.


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