Two simple steps to help WV against Common Core


Thanks to our friend, Diana Bartley (who, by the way, is a good conservative candidate for the WV House of Delegates), we have become aware that West Virginia has a good Senate bill (SB 429) against the horrendous and dreaded Common Core initiative. In standing against Common Core, this good bill seeks to to protect student’s personally identifiable data, and requires both a complete cost analysis and a 2-year moratorium on assessments to allow for statewide hearings. The bill is sponsored by WV Senators Boley, Nohe, Barnes, Blair, Carmichael, Cole, M. Hall, Jenkins, Sypolt, and Walters.

Step 1: Click here to download a petition to print and have signed by fellow parents, church members, fellow employees, club members, etc.

Step 2: Click here to leave a comment for the Governor of WV using an online comment box. You can copy and paste this wording, if you wish: 

Yes! I join WV Against Common Core to express: my support for SB 429, my support for legal protection of parental rights regarding the education of their children, and my concern about, and opposition to, “Common Core.” I urge our elected officials and our Governor to support and pass SB429.

You will find information on the bill, as well as the actual bill itself, at a website devoted to “WV Against Common Core.” Please share this post with all your contacts and ask them to send the signed petition to the Governor. We need to make everyone aware of this bill. In addition, have everyone contact their state representatives and ask that they support SB 429. We can make this happen if we stay resolved to stop federalization of our schools.

Keep the federal government and business out of WV schools!

Senator Boley Introduces SB429 | WV Against Common Core

“SB429 affirms the parent as the final authority in matters of a student’s education and requires prior written consent for disclosure of student information other than in the aggregate, prohibits the implementation of the…” [read more].

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