This is what happens when Google AI mashes Beethoven + Bach together.

What happens when you let a Google AI mash Beethoven and Bach together? This.

Although some limitations (regarding composition) imposed by Google’s Doodle for 2019-03-22, in celebration of Bach, made it impossible for me to properly add the first few notes of Beethoven’s “Für Elise,” I got as close as I could, and then I unleashed Google’s AI—which was “formally” trained to try to mimic Bach’s style regarding adding harmonies. Listen to the not-half-bad result:

Think you can do better than my approximation of Beethoven’s “Für Elise”? Give it a try! Or to just create and share a composition of your own, either simply visit any time during Friday, March 22, 2019 and then click on the doodle’s image at the top (see image below), or if you missed it on the debut date, just click here to visit the Doodle Archive.

After a brief intro (an initial tutorial), which looks like this,

…you’ll finally be able to give the composer tool a go. It  looks like this:

When you’re done, simply click the “Harmonize” button to “bach-i-fy” your work! Side buttons allow you to dump your work and replace it with “Mary Had a Little Lamb” or “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” I did not try the “ACDC style” battery option on the right. Did not see it until just now. The up and down arrows adjust the beats-per-minute rate of your composition. Have fun!

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