Free for UPCI churches: Affidavit of Trusteeship (blank).docx

Fellow UPCI Pastors, please take note:

How long has it been since you last updated the official courthouse record of who your church’s trustees are, by use of an appropriate, notarized Affidavit of Trusteeship? In theory this should be done after each election in which one or more of the names on the list have changed.

While serving as a district presbyter, I have at times helped churches through a tough transition, and sometimes we find that it has been years since the church/pastor last updated the record. Sometimes the old list of trustees on file at the courthouse did not even list the current pastor (who is often the chairman of the board of trustees, depending on the by-laws in use), and the old, obsolete record often had names of former trustees who were no longer members of the church, and in some cases were no longer alive.

Please feel free to download the attached file, Affidavit of Trusteeship (blank).docx, and use it to simply fill in the blanks, print, sign in the presence of a notary and have it notarized, and then file it at your county clerk’s office at the courthouse. The recording fee is usually very minimal.

Click (or “right-click”) the image below for the file:

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