Thank you to all West Virginians who are FOR LIFE

As pro-lifers, we each have our favored candidates. We can have vastly differing views about which pro-lifer is best for an office. Regardless, we ought to be careful not to burn bridges or destroy trust during a primary. The primary will pass and we’ll all still need to work together to make sure we succeed in the soon-coming general election. How do you define “success” in an election cycle? I urge you to not answer with “seeing my candidates elected,” but rather with “seeing pro-life candidates elected.” We aim to get pro-lifers into every office from “county dog-catcher” to U.S. President. I’ll admit that during the previous U.S. Presidential primary, my favored candidate was not selected, and I did not think much of the candidate who was selected. However, I now have to concede that I was mistaken in my forecast of how well he would do. President Donald J. Trump has become the most effective pro-life president since the US Supreme Court mandated abortion on demand for practically any reason through all nine months of pregnancy (back in 1973). If the candidate you favor didn’t get an official endorsement, please don’t shoot down our state’s only grassroots organization for pro-life action and success in West Virginia. Don’t withdraw. Stay in the fight. My sincerest, heartfelt gratitude to all West Virginians who are FOR LIFE. Our namesake really says who we all are: We are West Virginians For Life! Your pro-life support and vote are needed now more than ever.

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