Standing Up For LIFE: Three Crucial Ways to Add Action to Your Faith

Note: this was my WV For Life Treasurer’s Letter for June 2018.

West Virginians For Life welcomes all pro-life people, even pro-life secularists, humanists, and atheists, etc. (yes, there are such people), to join us in advocating for Life. WVFL has no requirement of religious faith for membership. There are no statements of religious faith to sign in order to join. We are a “one-issue” organization—we stand for Life. Even so, the vast majority of pro-life advocates are people of religious faith. Yet for any non-religious readers, please consider: even outside of religion, anyone’s “faith” can refer to what they sincerely believe, their core tenets, the values they hold dear.

One of the most important aspects of faith is to make sure it’s not just “mental gymnastics” or merely “academic ascent,” but that it results in action, i.e. has real-life impact. Adding action to your belief adds meaning to your existence, because you help change bad laws to good laws, save lives, and change eternity. Here are three crucial ways to add action to your faith:

  1. Register to vote, and then vote your values. The majority of pro-life people, even 2 out of 3 pro-life church members, are not even registered to vote. You can fix that right now (fast, easy, and free) on the Secretary of State’s website:
  2. Give of your time, talent, and treasure. Join your county’s chapter of WVFL. If your county doesn’t have a chapter yet, start one! Donate $ to help WVFL continue its life-saving work. Start at:
  3. Talk to family, co-workers, schoolmates, and church members, about the value of Life. Convince them to vote YES on Amendment 1 on November 6, 2018! Repeatedly share your pro-life values on social media. A key link to share now is: [note: that site was hosted only for the time period leading up to successful passage of the amendment. -DJ]

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