Category Archives: Israel

What kind of candidates should believers vote for? 

What kind of candidates should we vote for? 

Capable, God-fearing, trustworthy, and who hate dishonest gain.

The Bible teaches this: “But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens” (Exodus 18:21).

For a start (for West Virginians), get your free pro-life voter guide for the 2020 General Election at:

What does it mean to say “I Will Vote My Biblical Values”?

I will vote for the most pro-life candidate, because God hates the shedding of innocent blood
(Proverbs 6:17).

I will vote for the most pro-Israel candidate, because God blesses those who bless Israel and curses those who trifle with Israel
(Genesis 12:3).

I will vote for the most pro-debt-reduction candidate, because the borrower is slave of the lender
(Proverbs 22:7).

I will vote for the most pro-work candidate because God’s word teaches that if an able-bodied man won’t work, then let him not eat
(2 Thessalonians 3:10).

I will vote for the most pro-marriage candidate because God is for marriage as defined in
(Genesis 2:24).

I will vote for the candidate who holds most closely that government’s purpose is to reward good & punish evil
(Romans 13).

I will vote based on God’s Word, as closely as I can
(Exodus 18:21; Acts 6:3; 2 Timothy 3:16).


Israel to land on moon on 110th anniversary of founding of City of Tel Aviv

I could not agree more with my friend, Kasim Hafeez, who just posted the following:

“What an interesting day today is! April 11 marks 110 years since the founding of Tel Aviv, when 66 Jewish families gathered on a desolate sand dune to parcel out the land by lottery using seashells. While we marvel at what Tel Aviv has become today, this is just a tiny part of a much bigger and greater story. If you look at the picture of the empty desert below and think of what Tel Aviv is today, it is truly astounding given the circumstances, but today 110 years on from the day Jewish families gathered on those desolate sand dunes that would become, Israel, the Jewish state, will touch down on the moon. From barren deserts to the moon in 110 years! Yes the reborn state of Israel is younger that 110 years, yet it didn’t just spring into being in 1948. It took a movement, the realization of a dream. It took pioneers, dreamers, men and women who wanted to fulfill that most basic need in human kind, to go home. So while the skyline of Tel Aviv is incredible, to see and witness where it has come from to where it is, in the skies above, something much more incredible is happening.

“Look, I know I’ve talked about the miracles of Jewish history for a while now, but this is just another example. It’s not just in the skylines and in buildings, it is the rebuilding. It’s bringing a dead language back (Hebrew). It’s in creating rich and vibrant culture, arts, theater, science, technology, and an endless desire to be a light to humanity.

“Let every nazi, antisemite, antizionist and islamist see, that while you peddle in hate, while you call for the murder of Jews, while you think you can destroy the Jewish state and people, the reality is this: Israel thrives, and in a few hours a space module with a flag with the Star of David will sit on the moon, marking an incredible, impossible achievement. And if witnessing the first 72 years of Israel’s rebirth is anything to go by, this is just the start.”


#Beresheet crashed on the Moon. Connection was lost before the landing. Still this is an incredible achievement for #Israel ……next year on the moon?

“Israel has achieved something most of the world has not even come close to. It’s a testament to what Israel has achieved in 71 years that this is not being celebrated as the great achievement it is but as a mission partly accomplished. An Israeli moon landing will happen, and I see it happening in the near future.”

Never again!

My oldest daughter, Elliana, and I just returned from a wonderful trip to Israel (February, 2017). While there we learned some amazingly beneficial bits of context for the Holy Scriptures, and we experienced many meaningful moments.

In one of those meaningful moments, we were atop Masada, where, in ancient times, Jewish families in a besieged mountain fortress chose to end their lives rather than suffer rape/abuse/slavery/murder at the hands of Roman soldiers. Josephus, a Jewish historian, described the incident (see chapter 8, here).

I was moved to tears all over again (I had heard him say so before) as I listened to our Jewish guide, Ralph Lewinsohn, explain how the Masada incident has become part of the Jewish national ethos, and how that, in light of the determined efforts of the Nazis in WWII to wipe out every Jew in existence, now the Jewish people are determined that, “Never again will we allow ourselves to be put in a position where our only choice is death or slavery. Never again.”

“Never again” is not just a heart-cry of Jewish people everywhere. It’s actually a prophecy about them, made by God Himself:

{14}  and I will bring my people Israel back from exile.

“They will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them. They will plant vineyards and drink their wine; they will make gardens and eat their fruit. {15} I will plant Israel in their own land,
never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them,”

says the Lord your God.

Amos 9:14-15 (NIV)

Some Christian believers have succumbed to a false doctrine known as Replacement Theology, which claims that collectively, adherents to Christianity have supposedly completely replaced natural Israel in the mind of God. Those who hold to that notion may think that earlier ancient Jewish returns from exile would qualify as concluded fulfillment of various prophecies that God would bring the Jewish people back to the Land He promised them. However, take note:

  • God foretold a return of the Jews to their land that would be completely permanent (see Amos 9:14-15, shown above). Regarding the Jewish ethnicity of those prophesied to be returned, see also Ezekiel 34:13 (note “their own land”).
    God Himself indicated that the same nationality of people that was exiled would be brought back by God’s own hand to the same Land from which they were exiled, and that from thence forward, they would never again be uprooted!
  • God foretold a return of the Jews to their land that would be come from every direction, north, south, east, and west, i.e. “from the ends of the earth” (see Isaiah 43:5-6).
    Earlier ancient returns from exile that were localized (such as from Babylon) cannot qualify as fulfillment of such a prophecy. By contrast, the astounding, ongoing return of Jews from all around the world to the State of Israel reestablished in 1948, certainly could qualify.
  • God foretold a return of the Jews to their land that would be accomplished by God’s own hand (see Ezekiel 20:34, and other verses already cited).
    For anyone to resist such a “return migration,” and/or the accompanying necessary right of Jewish people to dwell securely in their own ancestral homeland is to resist God Himself.

As Christian I support and defend the Jewish national declaration that never again will any situation be permitted in which Jewish people are denied their right to exist securely within their ancestral homeland. As a Bible believer, it is the only logical choice.