Category Archives: Media

What kind of candidates should believers vote for? 

What kind of candidates should we vote for? 

Capable, God-fearing, trustworthy, and who hate dishonest gain.

The Bible teaches this: “But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens” (Exodus 18:21).

For a start (for West Virginians), get your free pro-life voter guide for the 2020 General Election at:

What does it mean to say “I Will Vote My Biblical Values”?

I will vote for the most pro-life candidate, because God hates the shedding of innocent blood
(Proverbs 6:17).

I will vote for the most pro-Israel candidate, because God blesses those who bless Israel and curses those who trifle with Israel
(Genesis 12:3).

I will vote for the most pro-debt-reduction candidate, because the borrower is slave of the lender
(Proverbs 22:7).

I will vote for the most pro-work candidate because God’s word teaches that if an able-bodied man won’t work, then let him not eat
(2 Thessalonians 3:10).

I will vote for the most pro-marriage candidate because God is for marriage as defined in
(Genesis 2:24).

I will vote for the candidate who holds most closely that government’s purpose is to reward good & punish evil
(Romans 13).

I will vote based on God’s Word, as closely as I can
(Exodus 18:21; Acts 6:3; 2 Timothy 3:16).


Response to critique of the pro-life movement in The Federalist

Yesterday a critique of the pro-life movement appeared on The Federalist site, authored under a pseudonym of Bill Kilgore. Regarding that pseudonym, the Federalist website says,

“Bill Kilgore is the pseudonym of a writer serving in the U.S. military. The author writes anonymously because conservative opinions are unpopular and harmful to one’s career in the military. He has also written for American Greatness. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. government.”

So, the writer lacks the courage/fortitude to write under his own name for fear of reprisal and detriment to his military career.

Let that sink in for a moment: a writer not willing to suffer detriment to his career for owning up to his convictions / opinions, is criticizing people in the pro-life movement who have sacrificed time, talent, and treasure (done/given under their actual names), including some who have suffered serious detriment/persecution including attacks both physical and legal. The writer deems such people as supposedly not doing enough or not being serious enough about the pro-life cause!

The Federalist writer seems mistaken on several counts.

The writer seems to think we are not winning unless we are winning in every single state of the union. The facts on the ground are that just as there are intense divisions in America over issues such as Israel, abortion, and right v. left, those divides are seemingly always correlated along geopolitical lines in which a few areas lean left (usually concentrated urban areas or historically “liberal” areas), while practically everywhere else leans right. Certainly the pro-life movement is not winning in leftist New York State (which is dominated by leftist urban New York City) and other heavily leftist areas. We’re seeing the same kind of increasing division happening over pro-Israel support.

Both the issue of supporting Israel (and opposing anti-Semitism) and the issue of supporting life (and opposing abortion) used to be bi-partisan, but with support in the leftist side eroding faster and faster over time.

The Federalist writer dismisses all the places where the trend happening is the opposite of what’s going on in the most left-leaning areas. The writer also dismisses, or is ignorant of, or misreads, for example, much data indicating the younger generation is far more pro-life and far more engaged and more informed than prior generations. The writer also seems ignorant of all the legal holes that have been shot through Roe & Doe over the intervening years since 1973. Legally, the Roe of today is a not what it was in 1973.

The writer is also clearly inaccurate in lamenting that all the successful regulations passed are failing in the courts. Tennessee’s successful Amendment 1 was upheld in court, and pro-aborts don’t stand a chance of defeating West Virginia’s successful Amendment 1 in court. Also many other successes in West Virginia have not been challenged in court.

We knew the fallout would be great when we made enough progress that the abortionists began to realize they could eventually lose Roe & Doe. I always suspected that the fallout would include moves to insulate certain leftist states “in advance” of a suspected demise of Roe & Doe. I also saw indicators there would be disunity in the pro-life side in the face of the fallout.

The writer may simply be in un-thought-out mourning and panic over the recent losses in places such as New York, which are typical of the kind of fallout I suspected would happen. Or the writer may have an agenda. There are some today who say that no one is really pro-life unless they agree with certain views on how the pro-life movement ought to conduct itself, phrase its wording, and set its strategies.

The gritty reality is that our history vis-a-vis slavery / the Civil War indicates that as we move as a union toward a major resolution to the issue of abortion, America will likely become even more bitterly divided, probably along geopolitical lines, and, as scary as it may sound, may teeter on the brink of civil war in a division where some whole states go “pro-abort” and more whole states go “pro-life” (just like there were “slave states” and “free states” before the Civil War).

The issue is certainly careening toward the US Supreme Court—again—because, contrary to their wrong-headed view in 1973, Roe v. Wade & Doe v. Bolton did not settle the matter. There is a chance that no matter what the Supreme Court does in the future, a harsh divide and even civil war may become inevitable. I saw a lot of complaints in the article, but saw no real solutions suggested.

Become a member of West Virginians For Life:

Donate to West Virginians For Life:

Pastor Doug Joseph
(Yes, that’s my real name.)

The Evil We’re Facing Demands Full Engagement

Note: this was my WV For Life Treasurer’s Letter for February 2019.

2019-01-31 Virginia Gov Ralph Northam Defends Defending Infanticide - Only Talking About Infanticide of Disabled Babies
2019-01-31 Virginia Gov Ralph Northam Defends Defending Infanticide – Only Talking About Infanticide of Disabled Babies
2019-01-31 National Right to Life Praises Sen. Sasse's Call for Action on Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act
2019-01-31 National Right to Life Praises Sen. Sasse’s Call for Action on Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

We’ve been warning* all who will listen for some time now that pro-abortion “ethicists” (so-called) have been openly teaching that morally there’s no difference between killing a baby in the womb and killing one that’s already born. (Some are even arguing for killing babies as old as 24 months!) The preborn baby has the same potential as the post-born baby, and the newborn on the knee has practically the same vulnerabilities as the baby in the womb. We know it’s morally wrong to murder either one. They claim it’s ethically “acceptable” to kill either one. Their lunatic lie will be shocking to the gullible public for a while, yet not a few pro-aborts are already fully numbed to the insanity of senselessly killing a baby who is born and breathing. Simpler pro-abort talking heads may have not yet mastered the talking points of the “ethicists.” I just watched national news video of one mindless pro-abort “robot” using the tired trope of “you-can’t-control-women’s-bodies” to justify Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s recent sickening suggestion that a baby with a deformity, once already born, could be made “comfortable” while a “discussion” should be held [about whether to let the baby die as opposed to feeding and caring for her]. We know that a preborn baby’s body is not her mother’s body. Yet how mindless does an abortion supporter need to be to pretend that a baby already born is somehow to be seen as the mother’s “body”? This is the evil we are facing. Battle lines are forming. Join us in bringing facts to light, the truth of what’s right to a society being manipulated by absolute evil. Your pro-life actions, words, and donations are needed now more than ever.

Join WV For Life here:

Already a member? Give here:

*Listen to WVFL State Convention keynote speaker Wesley J. Smith, J.D. Recorded on October 21, 2017 at Horizons Church in Lost Creek, WV

Celebrations + Pro-Life Network Needs Bigger Megaphones!

Note: this was my WV For Life Treasurer’s Letter for November 2018.

Congratulations! Through determination, donations, and diligence, our State Constitution is officially amended to clarify: it contains no right to murder preborn babies! The costly, deadly, 25-year fiction formed by “Panepinto” is over! Across America, friends of West Virginians For Life join us in tears of joy, fist pumps, and excitement. In our rejoicing, some takeaways:

We’ve paved pathways of partnership resulting in a powerhouse of pro-life networking. Beyond National Right To Life and West Virginians for Life, we have pro-life legislators (Republicans and Democrats) in the GOP-led State Senate and House, Susan B. Anthony List, Students for Life of America, and the Family Policy Council of WV. This alliance knocked many thousands of doors, did rallies, calls, festivals, billboards, TV, radio, social media—you name it! Two of three key goals were realized. Kavanaugh: confirmed! Amendment One: ratified! The third goal was close: pro-life Patrick Morrisey was only 3.2% behind Joe Manchin, who has betrayed his pro-life values and constituency (even voting against A1). Morrisey won more counties (31 of 55). Primarily three populace counties (Monongalia, Cabell, and Kanawha) gave Manchin barely enough votes for reelection. Those counties are where to focus prayers, preparation, and persuasion to gain victory in future tight races. We sent Manchin a resolute warning.

A1’s margin of victory was narrowed by confusion: reports indicate pro-lifers entering ballot boxes without hearing a word about A1, and errantly voting no. Some struggled to comprehend the wording (which, due to legal necessity, had to ask for a positive response to negative statements), not to mention the unfortunate, unavoidable shift from “YES” (in promos) to “FOR” (on ballots). For all our networking, we needed bigger megaphones. WVFL’s treasury was emptied as a well-spent war chest. Pro-life donations are needed now more than ever.

Give here:

Standing Up For LIFE: Three Crucial Ways to Add Action to Your Faith

Note: this was my WV For Life Treasurer’s Letter for June 2018.

West Virginians For Life welcomes all pro-life people, even pro-life secularists, humanists, and atheists, etc. (yes, there are such people), to join us in advocating for Life. WVFL has no requirement of religious faith for membership. There are no statements of religious faith to sign in order to join. We are a “one-issue” organization—we stand for Life. Even so, the vast majority of pro-life advocates are people of religious faith. Yet for any non-religious readers, please consider: even outside of religion, anyone’s “faith” can refer to what they sincerely believe, their core tenets, the values they hold dear.

One of the most important aspects of faith is to make sure it’s not just “mental gymnastics” or merely “academic ascent,” but that it results in action, i.e. has real-life impact. Adding action to your belief adds meaning to your existence, because you help change bad laws to good laws, save lives, and change eternity. Here are three crucial ways to add action to your faith:

  1. Register to vote, and then vote your values. The majority of pro-life people, even 2 out of 3 pro-life church members, are not even registered to vote. You can fix that right now (fast, easy, and free) on the Secretary of State’s website:
  2. Give of your time, talent, and treasure. Join your county’s chapter of WVFL. If your county doesn’t have a chapter yet, start one! Donate $ to help WVFL continue its life-saving work. Start at:
  3. Talk to family, co-workers, schoolmates, and church members, about the value of Life. Convince them to vote YES on Amendment 1 on November 6, 2018! Repeatedly share your pro-life values on social media. A key link to share now is: [note: that site was hosted only for the time period leading up to successful passage of the amendment. -DJ]

My WV For Life Treasurer’s Letter for March 2018

Dear West Virginia Pro-Lifers:

Our ongoing struggle for life has certainly had its ups and downs recently. Planned Parenthood (the eugenics-spawned abortion giant that illegally sells babies’ body parts) was yet again funded (to the tune of half a billion of the taxpayers’ dollars) in the recent 2,322-page, $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill debacle in Congress. Somehow that “happened” despite having pro-life majorities in the US House and US Senate, and despite having a pro-life president, and amidst multiple calls and pledges to defund the murderous monstrosity.

Meanwhile, here at home, our pro-life majorities in the WV Senate and WV House of Delegates came through on giving West Virginia citizens the chance to regain control of our own state constitution in the upcoming election in November. “Vote YES on Amendment 1” must be our steady mantra from now until then. We are headed straight into one of the most crucial ideological battles of our time. West Virginians are overwhelmingly pro-life, but this will be a war of words & worldviews, pitching our educational efforts for truth against the propaganda, distortion, and lies from the generals and armies of the pro-abortion camp. Abortion money is about to flow into our state, resulting in a media blitz of misinformation. The fact is that ever since the WV State Supreme Court’s baseless, wrongful 1993 Panepinto opinion, claiming that the WV state constitution (which was always neutral on abortion) not only contains a right to abortion for any reason but also supposedly demands an entitlement in which the government must pay for abortions, the floodgates were opened. Some $10,000,000 of our state tax monies have paid for some 35,000 abortions. We’re talking about elective abortions and lots of them. Amendment 1 is the only way to fix the Panepinto ruling and regain control of our constitution.

Churches and nonprofits are permitted by law to advocate for any constitutional amendment they wish to support, and they will not lose their tax-exempt status for doing so. They are also permitted by law to conduct voter registration drives, and will not lose their tax-exempt status for doing so. 501(C)(3) monies may be used to advocate for “Vote YES on Amendment 1.”

Please help. Visit [note: that site was hosted only for the time period leading up to successful passage of the amendment. -DJ] for information resources, to sign up (aka “enlist”) and to help coordinate and ensure LIFE’s success in this crucial effort. We’re not likely to ever get another chance to fix this. Let’s roll!

Become a member of West Virginians For Life.

Donate to West Virginians For Life.

With determination,
Pastor Doug Joseph
WV For Life Treasurer