Jeannette Joseph’s Retirement Party (03-18-2010)

For anyone who would like to get a glimpse into my Mama’s retirement party, this is a 10.5 minute video that I made, using pics and video taken on my cell phone (Palm Treo):

Jeannette Joseph’s Retirement Party was held on her 74th birthday, 3/18/2010.

She worked for the DA’s office for 29 years (First Judicial District of Louisiana). She was highly spoken of by both the DA and her immediate boss.

David K. Bernard Inaugurated Superintendent of UPCI


St Louis – March 6, 2010

The United Pentecostal Church International inaugurated the Reverend Doctor David K. Bernard as general superintendent of the 3-million-member organization Friday evening. The ministers of the organization selected Reverend Bernard at their 85th annual General Conference held in St Louis last October.

The inauguration service was held at The Sanctuary in Hazelwood, Missouri, with a reception that followed at New Life Center in Bridgeton, Missouri. There were five speakers: Reverend Rodney Shaw, Austin, Texas; Reverend Darrell Johns, Atlanta, Georgia; Reverend Ken Gurley, Pearland, Texas; Reverend Bernard’s father, Reverend Elton Bernard, Gonzales, Louisiana; and Reverend David K. Bernard gave his inaugural address.

David K. Bernard founded New Life United Pentecostal Church of Austin, Texas, out of which sixteen additional churches were started under his leadership. He is also the founding president of Urshan Graduate School of Theology. He earned a doctor of jurisprudence with honors from the University of Texas, a master of theology from the University of South Africa (where he is also completing his doctoral dissertation), and a bachelor of arts magna cum laude in mathematical sciences and managerial studies from Rice University. The author of thirty books with over seven hundred fifty thousand copies in print, he has been published in thirty-six languages and has ministered in forty-six countries on six continents. He and his wife, Connie, have three children—Daniel, Lindsey, Jonathan and his wife, Sara—and one grandson, Elijah.

The United Pentecostal Church International, headquartered in St Louis, has 30,000 churches in 192 nations around the world and a ministerial membership of 27,000. It was formed in 1945 from the merger of two previously established organizations. The UPCI emerged out of the Pentecostal movement that began in Topeka, Kansas, in 1901. It traces its organizational roots to October 1916, when a large group of ministers withdrew from the Assemblies of God over the doctrinal issues of the oneness of God and water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ. Reverend Bernard is the seventh general superintendent in the church organization’s history.

Tried to Surprise Mama, But She Saw This Pic of Us on Facebook!

This photo of us was taken by a waitress in Papadeaux Seafood Kitchen in Dallas, a wonderful place where we stopped to eat after my sister, Janet, and my niece, Amber, picked me up at the airport today in Dallas. After eating delicious seafood, we made the drive to Shreveport, where I had hoped to surprise by Mother. I had “sneaked” there to honor her on her 74th Birthday and her Retirement Party (all to occur tomorrow). However, Janet accidentally gave the surprise away too soon. She made the mistake of posting this and other photos of us on Facebook from her iPhone while we were in the restaurant. Mama logged on and saw us. BUSTED! LOL. Thanks for praying for me for a safe trip! PS: Amber is not Janet’s daughter. She is the daughter of my brother, Warren.



Technology is supposed to make life easier and better, but often the proliferation of gadgets, gizmos, and software just makes our lives more complicated and drains our available free time. Furthermore, just when you thought you had learned all the rules, methods, syntax, object orientations, encapsulations, wherefores, therefores, why-fors, and GUI’s… suddenly, PHUI: the ground beneath you moves, the bottom is dropped out, and a whole new way is invented for doing stuff you never really needed to do in the first place.

However, falling behind the pace of advancement can be as problematic as attempting to stay relatively near the cutting edge. The crowds are fickle. The winds of popularity can change in a blink, and the crowds flit from one platform to another like a huge flock of frightened birds. Keeping a set of software tools extendable, easy to use, and likeable, keeps people invested, and you get to keep using a platform with which you’re familiar.

Some relief can be found in the realm of free, open-source, group supported software projects like WordPress. WordPress’ methods, setup, interface, plug-ins, group participation, and progressiveness, etc, are really moving in the right direction. But enough about WordPress. Right now I’m giving Posterous a once over. We will let you all know what we think about it.