Celebrations + Pro-Life Network Needs Bigger Megaphones!

Note: this was my WV For Life Treasurer’s Letter for November 2018.

Congratulations! Through determination, donations, and diligence, our State Constitution is officially amended to clarify: it contains no right to murder preborn babies! The costly, deadly, 25-year fiction formed by “Panepinto” is over! Across America, friends of West Virginians For Life join us in tears of joy, fist pumps, and excitement. In our rejoicing, some takeaways:

We’ve paved pathways of partnership resulting in a powerhouse of pro-life networking. Beyond National Right To Life and West Virginians for Life, we have pro-life legislators (Republicans and Democrats) in the GOP-led State Senate and House, Susan B. Anthony List, Students for Life of America, and the Family Policy Council of WV. This alliance knocked many thousands of doors, did rallies, calls, festivals, billboards, TV, radio, social media—you name it! Two of three key goals were realized. Kavanaugh: confirmed! Amendment One: ratified! The third goal was close: pro-life Patrick Morrisey was only 3.2% behind Joe Manchin, who has betrayed his pro-life values and constituency (even voting against A1). Morrisey won more counties (31 of 55). Primarily three populace counties (Monongalia, Cabell, and Kanawha) gave Manchin barely enough votes for reelection. Those counties are where to focus prayers, preparation, and persuasion to gain victory in future tight races. We sent Manchin a resolute warning.

A1’s margin of victory was narrowed by confusion: reports indicate pro-lifers entering ballot boxes without hearing a word about A1, and errantly voting no. Some struggled to comprehend the wording (which, due to legal necessity, had to ask for a positive response to negative statements), not to mention the unfortunate, unavoidable shift from “YES” (in promos) to “FOR” (on ballots). For all our networking, we needed bigger megaphones. WVFL’s treasury was emptied as a well-spent war chest. Pro-life donations are needed now more than ever.

Give here: wvforlife.org/donate

Truth hurts, but…

Unbelievable yet true…

Standing Up For LIFE: Three Crucial Ways to Add Action to Your Faith

Note: this was my WV For Life Treasurer’s Letter for June 2018.

West Virginians For Life welcomes all pro-life people, even pro-life secularists, humanists, and atheists, etc. (yes, there are such people), to join us in advocating for Life. WVFL has no requirement of religious faith for membership. There are no statements of religious faith to sign in order to join. We are a “one-issue” organization—we stand for Life. Even so, the vast majority of pro-life advocates are people of religious faith. Yet for any non-religious readers, please consider: even outside of religion, anyone’s “faith” can refer to what they sincerely believe, their core tenets, the values they hold dear.

One of the most important aspects of faith is to make sure it’s not just “mental gymnastics” or merely “academic ascent,” but that it results in action, i.e. has real-life impact. Adding action to your belief adds meaning to your existence, because you help change bad laws to good laws, save lives, and change eternity. Here are three crucial ways to add action to your faith:

  1. Register to vote, and then vote your values. The majority of pro-life people, even 2 out of 3 pro-life church members, are not even registered to vote. You can fix that right now (fast, easy, and free) on the Secretary of State’s website: sos.wv.gov
  2. Give of your time, talent, and treasure. Join your county’s chapter of WVFL. If your county doesn’t have a chapter yet, start one! Donate $ to help WVFL continue its life-saving work. Start at: wvforlife.org
  3. Talk to family, co-workers, schoolmates, and church members, about the value of Life. Convince them to vote YES on Amendment 1 on November 6, 2018! Repeatedly share your pro-life values on social media. A key link to share now is: YesOn1WV.com [note: that site was hosted only for the time period leading up to successful passage of the amendment. -DJ]

Does Zechariah 5:9-11 show a lone biblical example of female angels?

According to the Lord Jesus, angels are not dual sex beings (neither male nor female – see Matthew 22:30 and Mark 12:25), and those of us humans (being male and female for now) that are accounted worthy to enjoy the resurrection and the life to come, will become “as the angels” (i.e. in contrast to being dual-sexed as we are now – see also Luke 20:35). Pre-resurrection humans are different from angels by being a dual sex type of creation. Glorified, post-resurrection humans will in their new bodies no longer have sex-drive or any need to be married to another human being, and according to Scripture, our flawed, temporary marriages to each other as flawed humans will be replaced by an eternal marriage to a perfect, eternal partner, the Lord Jesus Christ (see Ephesians 5:25-27, Revelation 19:7-9, II Corinthians 11:2, Revelation 21:9).

Since the Church, a corporate body of humans, is in Scripture figuratively depicted as wife/woman, it should not surprise us that God’s Word uses the same type of figurative language for corporate groups of human beings in the Old Testament, as well. In Hosea, God revealed that He viewed His covenant treaty with His people as a marriage covenant to a corporate body “wife,” and when His people split into two nations (Israel and Judah), the Lord described that event in Scripture as though He had married one wife only to have that one wife split into two wives. Israel, the adulterous wife whoring after false gods, was initially forgiven, but finally God, as the innocent victim spouse suffering her unfaithfulness, divorced Israel (see Hosea 2:2). Yet the nation of Judah was reckoned as a distinct “woman” who was still married to the Lord, although because of her waywardness she was made to suffer a time of separation. In Isaiah 54 the Lord described Judah as a wife (v. 6) that He, as the Husband (v. 5) had put away (“forsaken”) for but a “small moment” (the NIV rendered it as “brief moment”) only to bring her back with “great mercies” (the NIV has “deep compassion”). Brewer explains:

God is described in the Old Testament as married to Israel and Judah, and in the New Testament the church is described as the Bride of Christ. The marriage to Israel ended in divorce and the marriage to Judah suffered a period of separation.1

Bearing in mind this fact that God depicts people groups as women, let’s consider Zechariah 5. First, please note that this is a prophetic vision of figurative imagery. Upon study it seems that it is not a historical narrative account of a literal visit from heavenly females, but rather it holds visionary language describing human events using picturesque figures. The prophecy itself deals with the problems and issues encountered in the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem. It is closely tied to the account of Ezra 4. Eli Rosencruft explains the passage as follows:

The wicked woman in the “eiphah” measure (bushel or barrel) represents one or more of the enemies of Israel, primarily the Samaritans and the Edomites, who harassed the builders after being excluded from the rebuilding project. Similar language of wickedness [is seen] in Malachi 1:4. The eiphah is a standard dry measure and a symbol of justice. The word is used here to indicate that the iniquity of the enemies has reached full measure. This is a possible alliteration to the language of Genesis 15:16. The women angels in verse 9 possibly represent Judah and Benjamin (as in Ezra 4:1) or the Jerusalem and Samaria returnee communities who were rebuilding the Temple. In this prophecy they are removing the wicked from the land. They are the antitheses of the two women in Ezekiel 23:1 who brought wickedness into the land [Mordecai Zer-Kavod, Daat Mikra]….

The stork is a long-haul migratory bird with powerful wings. The power of the wings represents the stamina of the returnee community to deal with the harassment and send off their enemies far away….

The house for the wicked in the land of Shinar (Babylon) is saying that the enemies who are harassing the builders of the Temple in Jerusalem will eventually be worn out and will go back to build their own temples in their own lands….

That is the simple meaning of the prophecy according to the approach of the ibn Ezra (1089-1164) that this particular prophecy was not eschatological but, like pre-exilic prophecy, was an interpretation of current events at the time of the prophet. (See Bernhard Anderson’s Introduction to the Old Testament chapter 7 for an explanation of non-eschatological prophecy.)2

In all of the Bible’s historical narrative accounts of literal visits by heavenly angelic beings that showed up in a form that resembled human, the heavenly visitor had a masculine appearance (at least as per our limited human viewpoint) and (whenever a name was revealed) a masculine name. In the Greek of the New Testament, the very word for “angel” (angelos) is in the masculine form. No feminine form of angelos exists. With regard to these facts, we are compelled to point out: those angels were not male as opposed to female. They were neither male nor female. In fact, remember that although they appeared human, they were not human beings. All the above facts do not indicate a heavenly rejection of femininity while supposedly offering acceptance of masculinity. Rather these facts hint of an absence of either human maleness or human femaleness among the angelic hosts.

To imagine that because heavenly angels who have shown up in human form did not display a feminine appearance supposedly means that heaven rejects femininity would be like saying that a beaver rejects any doors for his home that swing outward as opposed to swinging inward. A beaver builds a tunnel into his home. He does not use either an inward swinging door or an outward swinging door.

C.S. Lewis, well-known author and Christian apologist, speculated in some of his writings (e.g. his Space trilogy) about whether the genders associated with the sexes (i.e. masculine linked with male and feminine linked with female) could exist in the absence of any duality of sex, and he seemed to surmise that they could. He wrote of fictional heavenly beings that were not male, yet were masculine, and of fictional heavenly beings that were not female, yet were feminine.

In this author’s own Christian fiction (the Skyport Chronicles series of novels), which considers the future beyond the end of this age and in fact beyond the end of the age to follow this one, the believing reader is invited to ponder upon the possibility that whenever he or she is glorified (and thus is no longer a he or a she), they might still have the physical appearance of being a he or she and in any case should still possess the unique strengths and character traits learned while living as a he or a she in their former life. Think of how much our flawed, earthly marriages can teach us about how to get along and love regardless of frustrating differences. Those lessons are keenly based on our dual-sex existence. Since the heavenly angels that predate humanity never lived as male or female and never had our unique occasions to learn lessons that our experiences could teach, we should be in some ways distinct from them. In this regard, in the novels the possibility is entertained that while we will in key ways be “like the angels” (as Jesus prophesied) whenever we are resurrected and glorified, we may yet perhaps still have aspects that make us distinct from all prior heavenly angelic beings. This seems to be supported by the prophecy that we will be elevated from being lower than angels now (Psalm 8:5) to being made judges over angels (I Corinthians 6:3-4).


  1. David Instone Brewer, “Three Weddings And A Divorce: God’s Covenant With Israel, Judah and The Church,” Tyndale Bulletin 47.1 (May 1996)
  2. Eli Rosencruft, response to “The two winged women in Zechariah 5,” online source current as of June 5, 2018, https://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/questions/2010/the-two-winged-women-in-zechariah-5

My WV For Life Treasurer’s Letter for March 2018

Dear West Virginia Pro-Lifers:

Our ongoing struggle for life has certainly had its ups and downs recently. Planned Parenthood (the eugenics-spawned abortion giant that illegally sells babies’ body parts) was yet again funded (to the tune of half a billion of the taxpayers’ dollars) in the recent 2,322-page, $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill debacle in Congress. Somehow that “happened” despite having pro-life majorities in the US House and US Senate, and despite having a pro-life president, and amidst multiple calls and pledges to defund the murderous monstrosity.

Meanwhile, here at home, our pro-life majorities in the WV Senate and WV House of Delegates came through on giving West Virginia citizens the chance to regain control of our own state constitution in the upcoming election in November. “Vote YES on Amendment 1” must be our steady mantra from now until then. We are headed straight into one of the most crucial ideological battles of our time. West Virginians are overwhelmingly pro-life, but this will be a war of words & worldviews, pitching our educational efforts for truth against the propaganda, distortion, and lies from the generals and armies of the pro-abortion camp. Abortion money is about to flow into our state, resulting in a media blitz of misinformation. The fact is that ever since the WV State Supreme Court’s baseless, wrongful 1993 Panepinto opinion, claiming that the WV state constitution (which was always neutral on abortion) not only contains a right to abortion for any reason but also supposedly demands an entitlement in which the government must pay for abortions, the floodgates were opened. Some $10,000,000 of our state tax monies have paid for some 35,000 abortions. We’re talking about elective abortions and lots of them. Amendment 1 is the only way to fix the Panepinto ruling and regain control of our constitution.

Churches and nonprofits are permitted by law to advocate for any constitutional amendment they wish to support, and they will not lose their tax-exempt status for doing so. They are also permitted by law to conduct voter registration drives, and will not lose their tax-exempt status for doing so. 501(C)(3) monies may be used to advocate for “Vote YES on Amendment 1.”

Please help. Visit YesOn1WV.com [note: that site was hosted only for the time period leading up to successful passage of the amendment. -DJ] for information resources, to sign up (aka “enlist”) and to help coordinate and ensure LIFE’s success in this crucial effort. We’re not likely to ever get another chance to fix this. Let’s roll!

Become a member of West Virginians For Life.

Donate to West Virginians For Life.

With determination,
Pastor Doug Joseph
WV For Life Treasurer


AR doesn’t stand for “Assault Rifle,” it stands for a brand, Armalite, and there’s nothing about an AR that distinguishes it for being unavailable, neither caliber, nor rate of fire, nor capacity, and any standard that would bar it would bar practically all guns, which is the real agenda of those who claim they “only want to ban AR’s.”


Why are liberals/elites OK with using guns to protect planes, government buildings,  officials, celebs, themselves,  but not school kids?


If pro-life people tried the same strategy as the left does for guns, we would demand that all surgical instruments be outlawed, since they “cause” the deaths of preborn persons.
If pro-life people tried the same strategy as the left does for guns, we would demand that all surgical instruments be outlawed, since they “cause” the deaths of preborn persons.

CAC’s 3D Visualization for New Construction – HD

3D Visualization (modeling & animation) for new construction – prepared for Christian Apostolic Church, Clarksburg, West Virginia, by Pastor Doug Joseph at Design8Studio.net

Here are a couple of still shots made from the same model:

Portfolio - 3D visualization (modeling & animation) for new construction

God. Family. Church. World. Doug Joseph is an ordained Christian pastor & presbyter, author of fiction & nonfiction.